
For those home in 2011, here is a link to the 2011 Adoption Tax Credit form:

GRANTS LISTING!! These are REAL grants that are CURRENT, the first THREE are ones that I myself applied for and GOT, so go forth boldly and feel free to contact me if you need any help applying, I will be happy to share my applications and tips with you!

1. Golden Dawn Adoption Assistance, up to $2,000.00. They have 2-4 grant cycles per year. This grant is NOT restricted to married couples, anyone can apply! Funds are paid DIRECTLY to your adoption agency. So, sorry but no independent adoptions can be funded through this foundation at this time. You must be working with an agency, have USCIS approval, and approved Homestudy and a reference from a religious support person.

2. Gift of Adoption. The application takes some time and the process is more than 3 months, but it is worth every ounce of work to apply. The give large grants, up to $7,500.00. So, sorry but no independent adoptions can be funded through this foundation at this time. You must be working with an agency, have USCIS approval, and approved Homestudy and a reference. These funds are paid to your agency and most agencies will work it out with you to pass the funds through to you for things like airfare, etc...

3. State Adoption Subsidy. Check the link for your state and research it. We were allowed a one time $1,500.00 payment after finalization of Ian's adoption.

For the grants below, we either applied and did not get them, or we did not apply but have knowledge that these are real grants that people like you actually get for help with the costs of adoption.

Show Hope

The JSC Foundation

A Child Waits